Loans And Factoring LLC

At Loans and Factoring our business is getting you a Loan. We do that by finding a lender that will provide the type and kind of loan that will benefit your company and your situation the most. We have been doing this since 2007 and you can expect that we will be happy to bring all that knowledge gained from loans and lenders to your company's next project.

Ground - up - Construction Loans

For Construction loans in all stages of your project's life, we can  provide a lender for you. Wether you're breaking ground, putting plans together to construct a 5 star Hotel or even restarting a stalled project there is a lender for that. We also provide you with loans for construction equipment.

Industrial Loans

Industrial Loans are in a class all their own. They can be as short as a few months or a few years.  They can be secured by business assets such as accounts receivable, inventory or equipment and plant.

For higher interest rates unsecured loans might also be had.

Loans can be obtained for a range of business needs. From working capital to equipment purchase, from inventory financing to  business expansion or debt refinancing. Loans can be had to purchase new equipment or used as a line of credit.

We are with you from raw concept and idea to project fulfillment. In some areas we may even be able to assist in obtaining grants.

Apart from the regular loans, we can assist with projects that involve Green Energy, Oil or even Mining; all is possible.

Overall Business loans are different in several important ways to other types of loans. These loans are loans designed to serve the unique financial needs of companies engaging in commercial or industrial activities. They differ in terms of the borrowers purpose, terms and  applied collateral. 

For all Commercial, Industrial, Business Loans and Factoring Needs!  There is a Lender available.  As a Broker our job is to find the right lender with the right terms with the right loan for You.

Why you need a Loan Broker?

1. A Loan Broker is acquainted with many different loan programs. He will know which loan his client or his Business qualifies for, he can offer advice on what is the best loan for their circumstances. He will also know the best lender and what is the best financing solution for his situation.2. Many potential borrowers will waste several months or a year and more applying for loans that they and their business won't qualify for. They go over many differing secenarios as they and their acccountants attempt to show why their company can justifably qualify for a particular type of loan, only to finally fail because of some hurdle that was obvious from the start of their negotaions. A loan broker will be able to determine quickly where they have the best chance of obtaining financing, and which lender best serves their interest, saving them time and lots of frustrations.3. If the borrower needs immediate financing the loan broker who will know and understand the power of bridge financing, may be able to obtain that for their business. They might also be able to qualife for a quick term loan, something that they might not have considered inatialy.4. Because of his experience loan brokers will be able to put together a professional loan package that will increase their chances for a loan in the least possible time.5. A loan broker will assist the borrower in analyzing loan offers and guiding them to the one most beneficial for their particular  industry and situation.

Startup Capital, Operating Loans, 

Powerful Commercial Factoring Services

The following client business types and industries are just a small sample of the entrepreneurs that we are capable of serving. Our services include:

Phone: 321 473 9555


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