About Us

Financialal Solutions 

A Creative Commercial Brokerage with available resources of non-Banking Lenders

 Offering Loans to all qualifying Businesses.

In 2008 after considering the state of the country at that time. I allowed my Mortgage Broker License to lapse and instead became a Commercial Financial Broker. Was there ever a sharp learning curve, I learnt the true meaning of the word unscrupulous.

Now several courses and many years later I can say that I am still standing upright doing something that I enjoy doing. There is no sweeter sound than some business owner calling you to say thanks for getting them the finance that they had begun to doubt was ever going to materialize. Life's good.

What does any of this mean to you? How can any of this be benefiting to you? Simply put when you have looked at as wide a range of loans as I have over the past years, you cannot but learn a lot of what is required to convince a lender that this loan - the one that is being offered for his money - is worth his consideration. 

How do you start the process of applying for a loan?  Simply send a short Essay about yourself and your business. Where you are with your company, what the loan is to be used for and the expected financial improvement. Also what you have invested in the project. Send this with a good phone number and a working email address and I will follow up with a phone call. We will start there.

There was a time when every borrower sought to have some accountant prepare a Business plan for them to take to the bank. today it would appear that this is no longer done, however a business plan while done to impress the lender that yoy would have done somework in preparing for the loan, has a secondary purpose. It forces  borrowers to consider exactly what they are getting themselves into.

It can be considered as a road map for the business. This is something that you do not just write and file away in some draw to gather dust. It becomes a guide to lead you to that place we all desire called "Success." 


Winston Elias

PO Box 1051

Trion GA 7053 - 2151

Cell: 321 473 9555

Phone: 321 285 9129

Email: Winston@LoansAndFactoring.com 
